Program Book Checklist
The following items should be delivered to the Publications Manager by the deadlines indicated below. Electronic form (Word or RTF) is preferred except where otherwise specified.
- Photocopy of licensing restrictions, including credit given to author and any special credits. This is usually on the copyright page of the script but there may be more detailed requirements in the royalties contract. Contracts are usually posted on the Google drive.
- Photocopy of cast list and scene list from script
- For a musical, photocopy of list of musical numbers from the script
- Complete cast list with correct spelling and billing of names
- Complete production staff list (the "back page list")
- All cast bios ("long bios")
- All production staff bios (director, assistant director, designers). These are "long bios."
- Short bios (two sentences, approximately 50 words) for all other production workers and technical staff (including those who help paint and build)
- Bio of the playwright with photo if available; sometimes this is required by the contract
- Director's notes (one page or less, approximately 200 words); this is optional
- Any new ads or graphics, including photos
- Acknowledgements and thank yous
- Up-to-date Backers list (from Treasurer)
- Up-to-date Board list (if there are any changes)
- Any additional information the director or production manager wants included.
For all except back-page production staff list and short bios:
For back-page production staff list and short bios: |
Four weeks before production opens
Three weeks before production opens (and earlier is better!) |